“When the opioid epidemic began, there were behavioral prevention strategies that could prevent common types of substance abuse such as smoking or drinking, but there wasn’t much evidence out there about whether universal strategies could prevent prescription opioid misuse and nothing about whether these strategies could be cost-effective,” Crowley said.
Common strategies concentrated on reducing the supply of opioids, such as prescription monitoring systems, but few focused on how to reduce demand by preventing misuse.
“As a result of this need, we evaluated how four different behavioral prevention strategies could be used to prevent prescription opioid misuse and save public resources,” said Crowley.
Researchers identified an addiction-prevention strategy, known as Life Skills Training, that costs less than $650 per person.
“This is less than many of the supply-side strategies being used and doesn’t restrict access to vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, veterans or those with chronic pain,” said Crowley. “This can translate into more than $2,900 saved per person who receives this program — or a return of more than $4 for every dollar spent.”
According to Crowley, it is clear that behavioral interventions reduce people’s likelihood of misusing drugs and offer a way to save lives without severely restricting access to a crucial pain-management tool.
In the spring of 2016, this research started to impact Capitol Hill. Crowley and his colleagues, with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and National Prevention Science Coalition, launched a pilot program for building collaborations between scientists and policy makers to translate behavioral-prevention strategies into evidence-based policy.
Congressional offices started to request help from Crowley and his colleagues, seeking to understand the science behind prevention. These have included requests for legislative briefings, support for hearings, policy briefs and assistance crafting legislative language that reflects the current scientific understanding. Representatives from more than 40 congressional offices attended a June 2016 briefing on preventing opioid abuse held by Crowley and his team.
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“In general, we have found a great level of demand among the offices we work with, for not only education about the science, but as an active partner to help them use research to develop evidence-based policy,” Crowley said.
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Sex and alcohol use among college students is another area that could be impacted by the science of behavior change.
Kari Kugler, a research associate for The Methodology Center, specializes in epidemiology and works to develop programs that have an impact on public health, such as obesity, cardiovascular risk and drug use.