HERSHEY, Pa. — A special immune treatment may not be necessary until after the first trimester of pregnancy, according to a new Penn State and University of Pennsylvania study. The researchers said their results could change pregnancy care guidelines and possibly close global health equity gaps.
They published their findings on Sept. 26 in JAMA.
Human red blood cells have proteins on their surface called antigens. One of those proteins, Rh immunoglobulin, is what makes a person’s blood type “positive” or “negative.” An Rh-negative person can become pregnant with a fetus who is Rh-positive, since the trait that can be inherited from the other parent. At a certain point, the pregnant person’s blood becomes exposed to the new antigen, causing the body to mount an immune response, known as Rh sensitization.
“Rh sensitization isn’t a bad outcome on its own,” said Sarah Horvath, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Penn State College of Medicine, who led the study investigating if the first trimester is too early to treat for Rh sensitization. “If someone becomes sensitized during their first pregnancy, it only becomes problematic if they have a second pregnancy and if the fetus is Rh positive and if there is a high enough concentration of fetal red blood cells in the pregnant person’s blood to then illicit an immune response.”
When that immune response happens, fetal anemia could develop, requiring blood transfusions at birth, or in some cases, before birth. In a small handful of instances, fetuses could develop fatal hemolytic diseases. To prevent these immune responses, scientists treat Rh-sensitized pregnant people with Rh immunoglobulin to “block” their immune systems from reacting to Rh-positive fetal red blood cells.