Office of Undergraduate Education

Two public financial literacy webinars scheduled for Sept. 5, 19

Webinars from the Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center offered at no cost to the Penn State community and public

The "Dining on a Budget" webinar will include tips on how to manage an on-campus meal plan. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center will hold two public webinars in September, with “Dining on a Budget” at noon Sept. 5 and “Financial Literacy Overview” at noon Sept. 19. 

The “Dining on a Budget” webinar is for those who find themselves constantly overspending on food, both on campus and off. Whether attendees utilize a campus meal plan or grocery shop and cook most meals at home, this webinar will offer tools and resources to eat well while staying mindful of finances. Attendees will have the chance to learn about meal planning and preparation, smart grocery shopping, mastering a food budget, accessing local food resources and how to manage a meal plan to make it last the entire semester.   

The “Financial Literacy Overview” webinar aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to money management and will introduce participants to the “Ladder to Financial Wellness.” This ladder comprises five essential “rungs” that lead to a stable and prosperous financial future: start with a budget, create an emergency fund, consider debts, plan for the future and grow wealth. Throughout the webinar, each step on this ladder will be explored, empowering participants to work toward the next achievable step in their personal journey to financial wellness.   

A list of webinars open to the public, including the series’ Zoom link, can be found at the program's website.     

Self-study modules are available here from “MoneyCounts: A Penn State Financial Literacy Series.”      

The Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center offers services to the entire Penn State community and is part of Penn State Undergraduate Education.     

Last Updated August 28, 2023