Office of Undergraduate Education

Penn State Learning provides tutoring, support for University Park students

This semester, Penn State Learning added German and Portuguese language support, effective learning strategies and more

The math tutoring and study spaces in the Sparks Building, University Park campus, were recently renovated and are open to all students looking for a quiet, comfortable place to work. Credit: Sean Yoder / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Learning, the multi-subject learning and writing center at the University Park campus, has new offerings this semester to support undergraduates’ academic success. 

Penn State Learning’s tutoring and academic support services are available to all University Park undergraduate students at no additional cost.

Undergraduate students may have received “to-dos” and “flags” during the Starfish early progress reporting period or may be concerned about their academic performance as they earn exam and project grades in their courses. 

Penn State Learning has a mix of in-person and remote tutoring services for students at the University Park campus in: 

  • writing
  • math
  • languages
  • sciences
  • statistics
  • economics
  • public speaking

New at Penn State Learning this semester: 

  • Penn State Learning’s website features a new section this semester on effective learning strategies, covering exam preparation, virtual study groups, study habits for all course modes, academic advising and more. 
  • German and Portuguese language tutoring launched for fall 2023. 
  • Annette Threeton, the new co-curricular program coordinator for mathematics at Penn State Learning, will be supporting math study groups

Writing tutoring 

Peer writing tutors will be available for in-person tutoring through The Writing Center @ Penn State Learning. Students can sign up for an appointment through Starfish (available during the days and times below) or drop in during these same hours and meet with a tutor if one is available. 

In-person tutoring at 220 Boucke and The Search Bar at Pattee Library is available: 

  • 6-9 p.m. Sundays
  • 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday–Thursdays
  • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays

Students can also sign up for online synchronous appointments via Starfish

The Writing Center @ Penn State Learning also offers asynchronous writing tutoring. Through this option, students submit a detailed form along with their writing, then receive feedback from tutors within three days of submission. This option is ideal for students who are seeking feedback on shorter writing assignments, or for whom asynchronous tutoring is simply more convenient. Students can request online asynchronous writing tutoring using this form

Instructors can request new and revised writing workshops 

This semester, the Writing Center @ Penn State Learning will offer a new series of updated, in-class outreach programming for instructors and campus partners at the University Park campus. New offerings include the “Introduction to the Writing Center” presentation and three interactive workshops centered around “The Writing Process,” “Best Practices in Peer Review” and “Research Writing.” Instructors and campus partners can select from a variety of subtopics for each workshop category to better tailor outreach to their course goals and writer needs. Presentations and workshops range in length from 15 minutes to a full 75-minute class session, and many include writing activities. 

Instructors will work directly with a student leader in the Writing Center to design and tailor their program further. Outreach programs are facilitated by a peer tutor from the Writing Center.  

“Presentations and workshops are powerful professional development opportunities for our tutors," said Tabitha Fisher, Writing Center coordinator. “Moreover, our outreach programming allows us to make meaningful connections with colleagues around campus, building on a collaborative effort to support writers across the curriculum.” 

Outreach visits are available for any undergraduate course engaged in writing and are not limited to composition courses. Instructors and campus partners can view sample material and request a workshop by using the Writing Center Outreach Request Form. Please allow two to three weeks between submitting a request and the desired program date. 

World language tutoring 

In addition to the new languages of German and Portuguese, Penn State Learning offers tutoring in Spanish, Italian, French, and Russian. Peer tutors are available to provide assistance in elementary and intermediate language courses.  

Spanish tutors are available for drop-in tutoring in 220 Boucke and for online exam reviews throughout the semester. All other language tutors are available for appointments in 220 Boucke and online. Students can view tutor availability and schedule via Starfish

‘Study Smarter’ workshop and effective learning strategies 

The earlier in the semester students change their learning strategies to respond to challenges, the more likely they are to be successful in a course. 

A two-hour transition-to-college “Study Smarter Metacognitive Strategies” workshop will be offered six more times throughout the fall semester. The remote workshop provides an introduction to college-level learning and will be led by peer tutors who have successfully navigated the transition themselves. Find the links to register and attend on the Penn State Learning website

Penn State Learning’s new effective learning strategies resource can help students with topics such as exam preparation and study habits for all course modes. It also provides guidance on how to use other resources available to students, like academic advising, instructor office hours, disability services and library resources. 

Guided Study Groups 

Students can drop in for Guided Study Groups (GSG) where peer tutors review materials from a wide range of courses and help students to hone their problem-solving skills in a stimulating yet supportive and collaborative learning environment. In fall 2022 and spring 2023 Penn State Learning led 1,440 general GSG sessions and 157 exam review sessions. 

Group leaders attend class and work with course instructors to provide review materials that help students prepare for quizzes and exams. Find more information at the Penn State Learning Guided Study Groups page

Math tutoring 

The Math Center @ Penn State Learning has been refurbished with new furniture, providing plenty of comfortable spaces for studying and taking a break. The study space is open to all students, even if they are not seeking tutoring. 

Peer tutors for Math 004 through Math 141 will be available for in-person drop-in tutoring at 7 Sparks Building from 6-9 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday. 

For Math 220 through Math 252, tutors are available Sunday-Thursday evenings and Friday afternoons in 7A Sparks. 

Pre-calculus review materials are also available for students taking Math 110 and 140. See Penn State Learning’s mathematics page

Public Speaking mentoring 

Public speaking mentors from the Penn State Undergraduate Speaking Center are available for drop-in sessions in 7D Sparks Building from 6-9 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday. Mentors assist students in preparing individual and group presentations, and their goal is to help all students become excellent orators. 

Penn State Learning has more than 50,000 contacts with students annually, and 13,422 unique students accessed services in 2022. It is part of Penn State Undergraduate Education, the academic administrative unit that provides leadership and coordination for University-wide programs in support of undergraduate teaching and learning at Penn State. 

Last Updated September 29, 2023