UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — After completing U.S. Army basic training and graduating from Pennsylvania Highlands Community College with an associate degree in liberal arts and sciences, Mia Jordan has spent the last three years as a Penn State student exemplifying military and academic leadership. This, in addition to her extracurricular involvements, is why Jordan will represent the College of the Liberal Arts as its ROTC student marshal at the spring commencement ceremony on May 4.
Jordan will graduate with a bachelor of science degree in economics, which will support her future career goal of entering corporate law as a lawyer following her time in the U.S. Army. Jordan, who is from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, initially chose Penn State due to the College of the Liberal Arts’ “diverse class selection,” which allowed her to pick classes focused on skills and competencies necessary to her growth as a professional.
“I knew coming into Penn State that after graduation I wanted to go to law school. Typically, pre-law school students major in political science, some form of business or writing. However, I already understood that I wanted to go into corporate law specifically, so economics fit that need of specialized understanding,” Jordan said. “The economics program has given me a corporate business knowledge background regarding how businesses and large-scale governments work and how money fluctuates and moves. It’s been a great choice, and I love the Department of Economics.”
Following graduation, Jordan will be commissioned into the U.S. Army, where she will finish her combat training for a year and then enter the U.S. Army Reserve to pursue her law studies and military service simultaneously. She is confident in her ability to juggle the workload due to her involvement with the Penn State Army ROTC (the Nittany Lion Battalion) and her previous Army involvement before attending Penn State.
“ROTC has given me more experiences and lessons than I can count. The overwhelming one is getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and being in an environment where you’re never going to know everything that there is to know,” Jordan said. “I think that has prepared me for what I'm taking on in the U.S. Army but also in life in general. I have done things in ROTC that I’ve never even thought about doing, and they've pushed the limits of my comfort zone.”