Pedaci has made time in his busy academic life to become a veteran member of the Penn State Blue Band. A French horn player since the fourth grade and a drum major in high school — as was his dad — Pedaci secured a spot in the Blue Band before he arrived at University Park for his first semester.
“New members join the Blue Band through competitive auditions,” he said. “I passed the instrumental audition in the spring before I started at Penn State and have spent the last two years in the mellophone section, performing at games, pep rallies, parades and other events.”
Last year, Pedaci decided to try out to lead the Blue Band. He began training with former drum majors and their trainers and participated in a virtual drum major audition last spring.
“I had to submit three flips with about a minute-and-a-half in between each flip,” he said. “On May 26, I received the news that I’d been selected as the new drum major.”
Pedaci connected with Penn State’s Club Gymnastics to perfect his flip and says he’s ready to take the field.
“I have received a lot of support from Club Gymnastics,” he said. “They have been so welcoming and really showed me the ropes. They’ve been providing tips and tricks in the gym and on the field.”
Blue Band Director Gregory Drane said he is eager for Pedaci to get started.
“Carson is already showing so much promise,” Drane said. “He put in a tremendous amount of work to prepare for the season. I am excited to see everything he will accomplish throughout the year.”
Kristy Romaine, Pedaci’s adviser and the assistant director of undergraduate academic advising for the College of IST, agreed.
“If anyone were to embody the spirit of the Penn State drum major, it would be Carson,” she said.
Finding fun at Penn State