Name: Maryellen Schaub
Title: Associate Teaching Professor of Education (Educational Theory and Policy); Professor-in-Charge, Education and Public Policy
Department: Education Policy Studies
Phone: 814-863-0854
Office address: 302C Rackley Building
Directory entry:
As a sociologist of education, Maryellen Schaub is interested in how social institutions intertwine and overlap in modern society; in particular, she is interested in family and schooling. Her current research looks at the social constructions of parenting and childhood. Schaub’s research includes several U.S. and comparative areas such as the intensification of cognitive demands on young children, the cultural significance of education, and the expansion of child rights worldwide. Her new book, “Motherhood, Childhood and Parenting in an Age of Education; An Invited Invasion,” will be out on May 5. The book is about the “fundamental transformation of motherhood and childhood as education, our largest social intervention, grows in institutional strength, and the evolution of parenting to a more schooled and cognitively based developmental approach.”