Learn about the most recently awarded active external research grant awards awarded to faculty in the College of Education.
- Leila Bradaschia, director of international programs and assistant teaching professor of education, is principal investigator (PI) of a project, “Humphrey Fellowship Program,” that has been awarded $239,800 from the Institute of International Education.
- Liza Conyers, professor of rehabilitation and human services (RHS), is PI of a project, “State Opioid Response Grant Year 4,” that has been granted $875,373 from the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Jeremy Sandberg, instructor of education, is co-PI.
- Allison Fleming, associate professor of RHS, is PI of a project, “Partnerships to Progress for Colorado” that has received an outreach grant of $412,046 from the State of Colorado.
- Robert Getz, education program specialist and director of Career and Family Pathways Programs, is PI of three projects that have been granted funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Education: “2024-2025 Adult Basic Education Direct Service (State), $564,269; “2024-2025 Adult Basic Education Direct Service (Federal)” $564,269, co-PI: Carol Clymer, associate teaching professor of education and co-director, Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy and Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy; and “2024-2025 Family Literacy Direct Service,” $143,596.
- Kelly Rosinger, associate professor of education and public policy, is PI of a project, “Test-Optional Admissions Research Phase II,” that has been awarded $560,000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Rosinger is co-PI of another project, “The Effectiveness of State Postsecondary Funding Approaches,” that was awarded $527,420 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Amber Cesare, assistant teaching professor of education, and Kathleen Hill, director of the Center for Science and the Schools and teaching professor of science education, are co-PIs of a project, “CAREER: Trustworthy Human-Centered Summarization” that has been granted $546,000 from the National Science Foundation.
- Brandy Henry, assistant professor of RHS, is co-PI of a project, “Community Building among Older Men Returning from Incarceration: The Cumberland House Reentry Project,” that has been awarded $328,037 from the National Institute on Aging,
- P. Karen Murphy, associate dean for research and outreach; distinguished professor of educational psychology, is co-PI of a project, “Collaborative Research: Fostering Inclusive Pathways: Understanding and Advancing Underrepresented STEM Students; Participation in Innovation Ecosystems (STEM-PIE),” that has been granted $256,900 from the National Science Foundation.
- Priya Sharma, associate professor of learning, design, and technology, is co-PI of a project, “Collaborative Research: IUSE: Investigating the Impact of an Immersive Virtual Reality-based Learning Environment for Learning Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction,” that has been awarded $29,761 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Information about external grant awards is provided by the College of Education Research Office. Visit this link for more information about all active research projects in the college.