Bees do more than just sting, make honey and buzz. In fact, these insects have a proven positive effect on our ecosystems. A national strategy was created to save honeybees and other pollinators because of this impact and Penn State Brandywine is now an important part of the movement.
According to the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences’ Center for Pollinator Research, “Pollination … is vital to our food supply. Insects and other animals are a key element in facilitating this transfer. In fact, one of every three bites of food comes to us by pollinators.” Unfortunately, bee populations are facing sharp declines and this drop is creating what some describe as an “ecological disaster.”
“The beautiful manicured lawns that some homeowners are striving for creates an ecological desert that makes it impossible for pollinators to survive,” Matthew Feldman, biology instructor and beekeeper, said. “The pollinator garden is a small step in ending these deserts.”
Recently, the White House announced the first national strategy to promote the health of honeybees and other pollinators. The Pollinator Health Task Force, a federal task force developed to create a national strategy, laid out three all-encompassing goals: limit the reduction of honeybee colony losses during the winter months by 15 percent within the next 10 years, increase the monarch butterfly population and restore or enhance 7 million acres of land for pollinators over the next five years.
The timing of this strategy is perfect, as Penn State Brandywine just received certification from the Penn State Master Gardeners recognizing the campus as a Pennsylvania Pollinator Friendly Garden.