UNIVERSITY PARK — A feeling with no name — “purple” — is inspiration for an interactive performance that celebrates the diversity and solidarity of our community.
“What Does PURPLE Sound Like?” is a multi-media art installation that focuses on and makes visible our neighbors of a distinctive age throughout central Pennsylvania. The program will highlight participants from the Centre County region in performance alongside Sydnie L. Mosley Dances artists, in excerpts from “PURPLE: A Ritual in Nine Spells.”
The audience will be seated on the Eisenhower Auditorium stage in one of three performance-exhibits at 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 4 and 5; and 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6.
No tickets will be issued for the general-admission program. The event is pay-what-you-wish, and registration is required. Call 814-863-0255 or visit “PURPLE” online to register for a performance or for more information about a free community Joyfull event.
Participants in “What Does PURPLE Sound Like?” are invited to take their time to browse and engage with an on-stage gallery installation featuring a peaceful presence of movement by SLMDances; quilts by Shani Peters and on loan by Kim F. Hall; short films produced by Orion Gordon and Veleda Roehl of RAH Productions; and photographs and additional video footage by Center for the Performing Arts multimedia specialist Michael W. Fleck.