Arts and Entertainment

Ronald K. De Long Gallery to feature 'First, Let’s Take a Selfie!' exhibit

Public reception will unveil new gallery featuring local high school students

A high school student takes a break from painting a self-portrait to pose for a photograph. The self-portrait pictured is one of many to be featured in the 2015 IDEA: Inter-District Experience in the Arts exhibit at the Ronald K. De Long Gallery on the Lehigh Valley campus. This exhibit is a collaborative art exhibition by the AP Portfolio art students from Palisades and Southern Lehigh High Schools. It will be open to the public from May 1-22, 2015. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

The Ronald K. De Long Gallery at Penn State Lehigh Valley presents the work of 21 local high school students in its "First, Let’s Take a Selfie!" exhibition, which runs now until May 22. The exhibit and artists' reception from 5 to 7 p.m. May 12, are free and open to the public.

Inter-District Experience in the Arts (IDEA) is an annual collaborative art exhibition by the AP portfolio art students from Palisades and Southern Lehigh High Schools. This prestigious exhibit of student created paintings utilizes the PA Arts and Humanities Standards as guidelines.

This year's project explores the new genre of the selfie as a jumping point to each student's artistic interpretation. Students first took a selfie, and then interpreted that image into a painting. This exhibition is sponsored by a grant from The Erwin J. and Gertrude K. Neusch Fund of the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation.

Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday-Saturday. For more information, contact gallery director Ann Lalik at 610-285-5261 or

Last Updated May 5, 2015
